You CAN build resilience even if it feels impossible. How does yoga help?
Sharon Ashton Sharon Ashton

You CAN build resilience even if it feels impossible. How does yoga help?

Why is it that some people are able to cope with life challenges much easier than others? A big part of the answer lies in a person’s resilience.

Resilience is the ability to easily, quickly and effectively respond to life challenges and stressors (physical and psychological) as they happen. When you’re resilient, you can return to a state of balance (ex., not feel anxious) and think clearly much more quickly than someone who is less resilient.

Mindbody practices, such as yoga, meditation, or any physical activity done with mindful, present intention, when practiced regularly, can strengthen physical, emotional and mental resilience to life challenges.

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A New Beginning…
Sharon Ashton Sharon Ashton

A New Beginning…

If you had suggested to me even five years ago that I would be sitting in a brand new home, in a new town, watching the corn grow in the farmer’s field behind my house, I would have laughed. Five years ago I believed it unlikely that I would never leave the busy-ness and stress of the city I grew up in…

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