Learning to Embrace Change
September - the start of a new season with new opportunities!
It’s September, and traditionally a time of change - a new season with new habits and back to school.
It’s a perfect time to make positive changes in your life.
I love September and fall is my favourite season. There are several reasons why - the cool, crisp air (lovely for sleeping!), autumn hiking, pumpkin lattes (yum!), cosy sweaters, etc. - but the main reason it appeals to me so much is my deep love of learning.
We all have certain values that guide our lives and whenever I’ve assessed mine, learning and education always come out on the top of my list. If you’re interested in taking your own values assessment, there’s a free one you can do at https://www.viacharacter.org.
While I love books, paper, pens, and all things traditionally related to “school”, learning is so much more and continuing to learn through life is so very important for our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. Think of learning as exercise for your brain. Our brains need to continually be stretched to process new information in order to stay cognitively strong.
In order to make real and positive changes in our lives we have to decide to do things we’ve never done before and that can be very uncomfortable. I encourage you to lean into that discomfort and be willing to fail, or at the very least, be less than perfect at whatever it is you’re attempting to learn.
Last September I enrolled in a coaching certification program that was life-changing for me - and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I also enrolled in a yoga psychology program that stretched my mind and my body. Both programs challenged my brain and were positive additions to my life.
In my coaching practice, I help people narrow down their goals and make big changes in their lives so that they feel more aligned with their values. Sometimes it takes awhile to figure out these goals because we’ve spent so many years on autopilot, doing work that doesn’t inspire us and burying our true selves beneath social expectations.
Start by making a list of everything you like to do. What are your hobbies? What do you look forward to doing on weekends? Get out your journal, or a pen and paper, and write down your goals. Close your eyes and picture yourself a year from now - what are you doing? Where are you?
Now, who do you need to be to achieve those goals? What do you need to think and feel?
What do you need to learn?
The best place to start is by checking in with your body. As you think about different learning opportunities, how does that feel in your body? Sit and meditate on each idea. Move through a mindful yoga practice and see what additional thoughts arise.
There are thousands of courses on every topic you can ever think of. Many are free or low cost. Here are some possible ideas for learning this fall. All of these things can be done in person or online:
Find a new yoga/exercise teacher and take classes. There are many in person and online options. Every teacher has a different style. My style and someone else’s will be totally different and you have an opportunity to benefit from all.
Do you like to cook? Take a cooking class, create a book of favourite recipes, or teach someone else to cook. The possibilities are endless.
Do you like to sew, knit, quilt or do needlework? Investigate online or in person classes in an area you haven’t tried before.
What about woodworking, ceramics, or any other creative craft? The limit is your imagination!
In addition to looking online, I recommend you check out your local recreation center for continuing education classes. Don’t allow yourself to say you don’t know where to look. Ask yourself - where can I find the information I’m looking for?
Become a lifelong learner - it’s good for mind, body and soul. Embrace change and watch where it takes you!
I’d love to hear from you so please send any comments or questions to me at sharon@sharonashtonmindfulyoga.com. Feel free to share this email with anyone else who may be interested.
I’m excited to share that I’ve started a podcast - The Journey Within Podcast - you can listen to this week’s podcast here:
Are you interested in life change & mindset coaching? If you are interested in exploring new ways to bring joy into your world and live your best life, please email me to set up a complimentary 30 minute coaching session/discovery call at sharon@sharonashtonmindulyoga.com or visit my website coaching page.
If you’re interested in more inspiration and community around positive mindset, slow mindful yoga, meditation and mindful writing practices, come join our private Facebook group here:
You can access your free Find Your Inner Coach Guide including a guided visualization and journal prompts here:
"I felt at complete ease with Sharon from our first conversation. She has a wonderful, gentle but firm way that made me focus on my thoughts / feelings so I could remove / change to move forward with a completely different feeling to what felt like obstacles. It was great having regular coaching that gently kept me accountable to actioning and moving towards my goals. Sharon has vast experience in so many areas, I felt that makes her an amazing coach.”
— Michelle Carney, East Galway, Ireland