Ready for a change? 5 positive strategies to help you set intentions and make changes in 2021
2020 was really difficult for many different reasons and we’re all hoping for big changes in 2021 (that’s putting it mildly). And, similar to most other years, I’ve seen a lot of social media posts and articles that start with “Make 2021 your best year ever!.....”.
Here’s the truth: a “best year” doesn’t magically happen. Remember, if you change nothing, nothing will change. Generally, we don’t like change and we don’t respond well to it. We like routine and are more comfortable when everything stays the same. But if you want to see shifts in your world, you have to take responsibility for your role in making them happen.
So how can you make 2021 your best year? What can you do? Here are some suggestions:
Self-care: Make self-care, including your mental, emotional, and physical health, a priority. Examples of self-care include taking time for yourself each day to exercise (i.e., gentle yoga and walking), engage in a favourite hobby, or just relax. It also includes eating healthy foods, socializing with others, and seeking help from professionals if necessary.
Daily habits: Consider changing some of your daily habits. Do you spend too much time scrolling on your phone? Maybe it’s time to cut down a little. Perhaps you can watch a little less T.V. and do some yoga or go for a walk after dinner instead. Writing in a gratitude journal each day takes very little time and is a very beneficial daily habit. You get the idea!
Look within for solutions: The solutions to our problems lie within us. That means taking responsibility for your own life. You can’t always control your circumstances and you can’t control others’ actions, but you can control your response to those circumstances and actions. By talking through your problems or writing them down you can often find the solution to almost any dilemma. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and always remember that you are your own best expert in what’s right for you.
Set boundaries: Learn to say “no”. That sounds a lot easier than it actually is. It’s darned hard to say “no” to family and friends who need you and to a boss at work who is putting pressure on you. But it’s important to set boundaries and let people know when you are and aren’t available. You need time for self-care (see #1 above).
Get support and maintain positive relationships: Surround yourself with people who are supportive and positive. Let go of relationships that are negative and unsupportive. If you look forward to seeing someone and they encourage and support you, then it’s a positive relationship. Too often we keep friends who drain our energy or are overly critical. Spend more time with people who are like-minded and feed your soul.
Remember: Even when outside circumstances seem to be spiralling out of control, you are in control of your own inner life. You always have the power to choose how you respond to any situation. No one can make you feel a certain way or do a certain thing without your permission.
Here’s a daily positive habit you can start tomorrow morning that will have you beginning each day in a positive way:
First Breath of Gratitude
When you wake up in the morning, before you grab your phone to look for messages or take that first sip of coffee or tea, take just one minute to lie still in your bed and notice your first conscious breaths of the day. Take a deep breath in through your nose and say “thank you” for the opportunity to start over once again. Smile and remember breath = life. The first thing we do when we enter the world is take a breath and without it we can’t live. Each breath we take is precious and a new start. That first breath of gratitude in the morning will set you up for a day filled with possibility. I invite you to give it a try.
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