Let it Go! Let it Go! Let it Go!

A mindful twist on a favourite holiday classic… letting go of expectations.

Oh, the thinking inside is frightful,
But we want our lives delightful,
So instead of just feeling low,
Let it go! Let it go! Let it go!

I know, groan….and my apologies to the original writers of Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! (my research tells me it was written in 1945 by Sammy Cahn and Jule Styne) but I wanted to stress the importance of letting go of expectations during this holiday season. 

In many parts of the world family gatherings are being discouraged this year and we’re all being encouraged to celebrate the holidays just within our own households. That doesn’t mean we need to “cancel Christmas” as I’ve heard some people say. It means we need to get creative and explore different ways to celebrate, perhaps even starting some new traditions. We can still celebrate the season, we just need to do it more mindfully.

So what can we do to not only survive but thrive this year? Here are a few ideas to get the creative juices flowing:

  1. Consciously set the intention to have a joyful holiday despite all the negative information in our news feeds. Christmas will come whether we show up for it or not. Our thoughts about any event determine our experience of it.

  2. Practice compassion and kindness. One of the biggest factors in creating our own happiness is to think outside ourselves and create some happiness for others. Are there any friends, family or neighbours you know who live alone? Perhaps you could call them, send them a note, or set up an online chat to connect with them. If you like to cook or bake you could leave a surprise on their front porch. Stepping outside of ourselves and our own minds always helps us feel better.

  3. Write in a gratitude journal every day. Even if it’s just a few lines. I bet if you think about it there are at least a few things to be grateful for in your life at this time of year. Expressing gratitude is known to change our perspective.

  4. Engage in daily, intentional self-care practices such as meditating, preparing healthy meals, enhancing your surroundings with scent (candles are my favourite), surrounding yourself with favourite pictures and lots of colour, or starting a creative project you’ve been putting off. Support the Arts community by attending an online “live” show (i.e., The Nutcracker, a Christmas concert, a comedy show, etc.).

  5. Stay present and be mindful. I know that sounds easy, but trust me, it’s not as easy as it sounds. We are so distracted these days. We’re addicted to our phones and social media and waste so much time scrolling through news feeds. See if you can spend some time each day disconnecting from electronics. Pick up a book, do a puzzle, or sit and be still. Take some deep breaths and notice how you’re feeling.

  6. Last, but definitely not least, physical exercise! Everything from gentle slow mindful yoga practices to brisk walks in your local park counts here. Bonus points if you get out into nature and do some mindful walking, snow shoeing or cross-country skiing.


When you get still and journey within yourself, what ideas can you come up with? Who knows – maybe you’ll start a new favourite tradition that carries over into future holiday celebrations. 

Whatever you celebrate at this time of year, I wish you peace, love, and great joy.

Happy Holidays! xo


I’d welcome your comments and would love to hear from you. Please email me at sharon@sharonashtonmindfulyoga.com. And please share this blog with anyone who may be interested.

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