“I don’t have time to do yoga” … and other not-so-true things we tell ourselves
“I want to, but I don’t have time”
“When I have time I will…..”
Those are two phrases I hear quite often when I ask people about their yoga practice and how it is (or isn’t…) going.
I know you really believe and have convinced yourself that you don’t have the time. But the fact is, you do. You actually do have the time to do yoga, or anything else that’s good for your health for that matter. It’s all about choices and making yourself a priority.
The truth is that all have the same amount of time in a day. And we get to choose how we spend that time.
We all know that any form of exercise, including yoga, is good for us. So why don’t we have time for it? Why do we tell ourselves these fibs?
For example, do you have time during your day or evening to sit and watch t.v. or look at social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)? Then you have time for yoga. There’s a misconception that you need a lot of time. You don’t have to dress in special clothing and do a full hour-long class. You can do it right where you are.
Here’s what I mean - if you take a few minutes to be mindful of your surroundings and focus on your breath, you’re doing yoga. Any movement that you do intentionally and mindfully, focusing inward, is yoga. Complicated and lengthy sun salutation and vinyasa flow practices that you may see on You Tube or Instagram are not the only forms of yoga.
Yoga at home can also be fun!
I encourage you to challenge the thought “I don’t have time” every time you catch yourself thinking it, whether it’s about yoga or anything else in your life. It may be more accurate to say “I would prefer to watch t.v., (read, knit, nap, etc.) right now”. There’s nothing wrong with any of those choices in how to spend your time. But it’s important to recognize that it’s always a choice. Once we realize that, we may be motivated to make different choices.
I believe that part of the problem is due to a misconception that yoga or other mindful practices are hard and we don’t want to add something else to our day that is hard.
So let’s take some baby steps…..
Here’s a brief mindful yoga practice you can do from the comfort of your couch. You can even do it while watching T.V. during a five-minute break.
Yoga on the couch
1. Start by sitting up tall with your spine away from the back of the couch and your feet placed flat not the floor. Spend a couple of minutes sitting with your eyes closed, spine erect and notice the places where your body is connected to the ground beneath you.
2. Take 3 deep, conscious breaths and then let your breath come back to normal.
3. Inhale in. On your next exhale, gently et your right ear reach down towards your right shoulder. Hold for a breath or two. On an inhale lift your head back up to center and on an exhale let your left ear move towards your left shoulder. Again, hold for a breath or two. Gentle bring your head back to neutral on an inhale.
4. On an inhale, float your arms up over your head and on an exhale bring them back down. Do that two more times. Return to neutral and notice how you feel.
5. When you’re ready place your finger tips on the couch beside each leg. On your next in breath, lift your arms up over your head. Stay here for three breath cycles. On each in breath try and lift your arms a little higher, and on your out breath release them slightly. Try not to scrunch your shoulders up around your ears. If it’s comfortable for your neck, you can look up on your inhales. When you’re ready, on an exhale let your arms float back down by your sides.
6. Sit and notice how you feel for a couple of breaths.
7. On your next in breath, lift your arms up overhead again, intertwine your fingers, and gently stretch towards the back of the couch. On an out breath round forward with your arms stretched out in front of you. Do three sets. This is your seated cat/cow. Bring your arms back down by your sides.
8. Sit and notice how those simple stretches make you feel.
If you have any comments or questions, I’d love to hear from you. Please send me an email at: sharon@sharonashtonmindfulyoga.com.
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