10 Mindful Ways to Boost Your Mood
Increase your energy, improve your mindset and feel more joy every day
We all have those days when we feel bored, lazy and uninspired. Here are some simple ways to pick yourself up and feel more joy.
1. Log off your computer and turn off your phone for at least 30 minutes (longer if you can!). This sounds simple but it’s a really hard thing for many of us to do. It’s necessary to disconnect every once in a while as scrolling through your newsfeed on Facebook is a real drain on your energy.
2. Go for a walk in nature. This is one of my favourite ways to feel better. If you don’t live near any hiking trails, then a walk in a neighbourhood park will work well. The key is to find some green space. Trees and plants produce oxygen and we need them to survive. Go for a walk, breathe deeply and feel your stress ease away.
3. Eat a small piece of good dark chocolate. The day I read that dark chocolate was good for you was one of my happiest ever! Seriously, dark chocolate is good for you and a small square (70% or more cocoa is best) will give you a boost, especially during the afternoon when we start to lag a little.
4. Pick up a really good book – one you can get lost in. This is another one of my favourite things to do. There’s simply nothing better than escaping into another world with a really good book. A good time to read would be right after you’ve turned your phone and computer off (see #1 above).
5. Make a cup of tea/coffee, curl up in a comfy chair, and call a friend. Sometimes when we feel low during the day it’s because we’re missing connection. Calling a friend and catching up may be just what you need to light the spark of energy that is missing.
6. Practice yoga, dance, or do any other physical exercise that lights you up. The key here is to move your body in any way that feels good to you. Put some music on and dance, get out some weights, or do some stretches on your yoga mat. Your body will thank you!
7. Write down 5 things you are grateful for in your journal. Any time you intentionally express gratitude you will improve your mood. It works every single time. When life feels dull, start writing down all the things you are grateful for. You’ll soon notice that you feel much better.
8. Read or watch something funny. Humour is instantly energizing! Laughing releases endorphins, a natural painkiller and mood lifter!
9. Watch the sunset, look at the moon, gaze at the star. Again, we’re back to nature. On a clear night, the sky can be wondrous. Go outside and look up.
10. Luxuriate in a bubble bath. Create your own mini-spa. Light candles, play your favourite soothing music, fill the tub with warm water and bubbles, and feel yourself relax.
Those are just a few instant energy boosters and I bet you can think of many, many more. Others I’ve used include playing with my dog, helping others, listening to music, writing letters, and watching a favourite movie.
Are you interested in life change & mindset coaching? If you are interested in exploring new ways to bring joy into your world and live your best life, or even if you’re not sure if life coaching is for you and just want to ask some questions, please email me to set up a complimentary 30 minute introductory call at sharon@sharonashtonmindulyoga.com or visit my website coaching page and fill out the contact form there.
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